Monday, February 2, 2015

Untitled, 1975

(written after approx. 7,845 days of living)

Almost eight thousand days
Since birth into this world
In Southern Baptist Hospital--
And the doctor is dead.

The Korean War was over,
Eisenhower was president,
"American Graffiti" was happening,
And thousands died in Vietnam.

We moved to Columbia,
I went to public schools,
Camelot was in Washington,
And a bullet killed Arthur.

It was on to high school,
The debates were wonderful,
The awards were beautiful,
And Arthur's brother was struck down.

College came in all its glory,
The plays were a success,
The awards again were beautiful,
And political sabotage was rampant.

Almost eight thousand days
Since birth into this world,
Very much has happened,
And maybe too much.

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