Thursday, June 26, 2014

July 18, 1986

 This is actually the 19th of July.  I titled this the 18th, because I am too lazy to go back and change it.  From time to time, I write these updates on me and put them in my box of writings.  I guess you could call this my footnote, but anyway I felt I should write something down.
 More years than I'd like to believe, I wrote a poem called "A Little Story".  It was published--one of the few of my works that was.  It was the story of a crippled boy crawling in some wildflowers and of a beautiful girl who happened to run into him.  It was also about butterflies and how pretty and free that they are, compared to the hurt in the world.  It was a simple poem with simple images.  Several people have said it was the best poem that I ever wrote.
 Today, over 13 years later, the image remains.  A lot of water has gone under the bridge or over the dam.  I'm not sure how that analogy goes, but the feelings and moods are returning.  I thought that I could never improve on "A Little Story".  But, old things are meant to be improved upon.  That's why they are old.  "A Little Story II" is coming.  I can feel it working around in my head.  One day, it will come out.
 Feelings change.  People change.  Sequels are never as good as the original.  However, on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the "Day I Became A Man", it is interesting to note that the more people change--the more feelings about the new people stay the same.  That may be profound.  That may be another riddle in the psyche of me.  But, I am probably saying that new people have touched me the same way old people did.  Understand?

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