Saturday, June 7, 2014

I Dream

I dream about photography,
 and what it involves,
  but pictures are for
   freezing people with fronts.

I dream about large cokes,
 with that ice bubbling
  at the top, but it doesn't
   quench your thirst like Gator-Ade.

I dream about pizza
 and the hot mouths
  that result, so let me
   have another Canadian Bacon.

I dream about lasagna,
 but the school never
  cooked it right, so
   where is somebody's specialty?

I dream about people,
 and how I wish it were different,
  but it's like
   the pictures taken.

I dream that people
 wouldn't have fronts
  to put-up for other
   people to see.

I still dream that
 it will come true
  that I will be able
   to try somebody's specialty.

I dream of that day
 that might not come.


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