Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm Back

Well, I had about a week on blog.com, but the site kept going down, and no one could access it, so I am back here.  For you new ones, you can wade through my old blogs and probably find some interesting.  Sometimes, I just wander with my thoughts.  So, blogger is where I will be for now.  I have nothing really to report today.  I am going to the doctor for my annual checkup today.  That should be fun.  There is nothing better than getting poked and prodded.  Check out what I have for sale at eBay.  My seller name is wdurst.  Also, support your local transit.  It will save you some gas in the process.  I don't have a car.  Mine blew up about 4 years ago.  A lot has happened since then.  I will be going into that in detail later.  So, have a nice day.  I know I will.

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