1. Father
2. Dad
3. Daddy
4. Pop
1. Papa
2. Pa
3. Whatever you call him...
4. His name is yours.
1. He put together toys at Christmas.
2. He fixed your bike.
3. He took you on trips.
4. You got your first car.
3. He wore the ties you gave him.
1. Maybe he was there for you.
2. And maybe not...
3. But he was your father.
4. Whatever you call him.
2. Some are still here.
3. And some have gone on.
1. Today we honor fathers.
2. This is their day.
3. Our heavenly father blesses them...
4. Every day.
1. Happy Father's Day...
2. Father
3. Dad
4. Daddy
1. Pop
2. Papa
3. Pa
4. And thank our Father for YOUR children.
1. Wherever they are.
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