Friday, April 25, 2014

A First Impression, 1977

I saw her in class one night, and
To think she could have seen me was
Hard to believe, if not impossible, because
Of the fact that she was of a different state.

Unfortunately, as things happen, I
Got to where I was obsessed with
Her in a way which was scornful and
Terribly depressing at that time.

She didn't know who I was, and I wouldn't
Help her in knowing who I was, because
Eventually, I couldn't care less
Whether she knew or not.

And then the time came when
She needed my name for a play,
And I gave it to her with some
Recognition on her face.

Is that any way to start a relationship?
Could it be love?  Well, I don't know, but
Her face lit up after she saw me act,
Better than anyone else, I guess.

I had the wrong impression about her, and
To think she could have seen me was
Coming into reality and she
Hugged me yesterday on an impulse.

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