Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Writings (Introduction)

I am starting a new series here of my writings.  It is not all of my writings.  I had to go through and edit out some stuff that I felt couldn't be published now.  However, this bunch will last quite a while.  I started writing in 1958 with a commercial for OK Cereal.  Yogi Bear was the spokesman for the cereal, and I wrote a commercial for him.  I was five years old.  My parents sent the commercial to the advertiser who responded saying that it was good, and to come back to them, when I turned 18.  Of course by then, there was no OK Cereal, and no advertiser, but my parents recognized my creativity.  I wrote my first poem in 1964.  It was called "People", and as it turned out, Herman's Hermits came out with a song a few months later called "Listen People", which was very close to my poem, but I was a kid and didn't know I could sue.  I started writing more seriously around 1969 and continued on and off throughout the rest of my life so far.  I have also written plays, short stories, articles, speeches, and even started a few novels.  I say "started", because they were never finished.  So, here we go.  I have to say, before we start, that you can read into things as you wish.  You may be insulted or perplexed as to what you read.  All I have to say is that you should consider these pieces as snapshots into my life.  I may have been serious, when I wrote something, and I may not believe now what I wrote then.  I dated a girl years ago who didn't like her picture taken.  She said it froze the moment, and she wanted to be more fluid.  I don't necessarily agree with that, but her logic was valid.  Taken out of context, some of these writings could be construed as bad or damaging.  However, I hope you will take them for what they are.  My mind at work.  However strange it is.
  Walter Durst, 2013

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