Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Albert Frankenstein, 1971

Poor old Albert Frankenstein,
Why are you so sad?
Your mother says you're ugly,
Your father says you're bad,
But this is no reason to be sad,
Poor old Albert Frankenstein,
We love you.

Little Albert Frankenstein,
Why are you so blue?
You don't have any friends,
All your family don't know you,
Won't you give us a clue?
Don't you see we love you?

Poor old Albert Frankenstein,
Put that gun away,
Don't take your life we beg of you,
Don't put your name on a police file,
You don't have to do this,
What can we say?

We love you Albert Frankenstein,
Just because you're not the best in the world,
Just because your face is not grand,
Doesn't mean you must end it.

You say that you have nothing to live for,
But look at those people without anything,
No radios, T.V.'s, or movie screens,
No food, no clothes, no house to call their own,
But do you think they're mad at the world?
Do you think they're sad with themselves?
No---they're happy--yes they're happy,
Because they have a life to live,
They have LOVE to give,
So put the gun away poor old Albert Frankenstein,
And live that life that you have for good,
We love you Albert Frankenstein.

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